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Hej, vi leder efter et detaljeret rutekort inkl. placering af shelters + vandposter for denne del af Höglandsleden: Isaberg naturreservat - Vikskvarn: Ca. 100 km

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Hej Martin
Hermed et uddrag af et svar fra Glenn Larsson fra Jönköpings län, som kender ruten rigtig godt.

(Gå ind på vores side om Höglandsleden http://www.sydsverige.dk/?pageID=362

Se de grå og gule markeringer på Googlekortet. Markeringerne dækker strækningen Isaberg Narurreservat - Vikskvarn.

Klik på de tilhørende links inde på siden for at se kort over ruten. Bemærk at Höglandsleden er en del af Smålandsleden):

Glenn skriver:
If you start at Isaberg and finish at Vikskvarn then you walk the following sections of Smålandsleden:

* Järnbärarleden: Isaberg to Kärringabacka. There is a shelter near Mellansjön. Near the shelter you find a creek. You can also walk down to Mellansjön using a footpath shown as a dotted line in the map.

* Höglandsleden: Berghem-Skillingaryd-Byarum-Långserum. At Kyllesjön there is a small "village" of simple huts and shelters. You should contact Annie Johansson, ph. +46-70-637 64 81, to book accommodation. They also have a homepage, [LINKET VIRKER IKKE: SIDEN ER FLYTTET ELLER FJERNET] . In the map you find a shelter at Bissefäll. It is perhaps not the best place to stay since there is no water near the shelter and the nearest house has no permanent resident. At Grönelund (west of Skillingaryd) there is a shelter. It looks like the simple huts you encountered at Kyllesjön. However, the shelter is not shown in the map. You can ask for water at Grönelund, which is a sport facility. If the facility is closed you can walk into Skillingaryd, approximately 300 east of Grönelund. The next shelter is at Malmbäcksån and you also find a shelter at Långserumssjön.

* Höglandsleden: Långserum-Vikskvarn. The map shows the last shelter on the hike you planned. At Vikskvarn there are two options. At the old water dam there is a small simple cottage. I was there ten years ago. I remember that I took water from the stream. The other option is to continue up the hill towards Lövhult for about 200 m. There you find a shelter (but no water).

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